Washington Health Professional Services

WHPS Procedure Summaries
The following procedure summaries provide information about specific program requirements and situations that impact the nurse’s participation in WHPS. Contact your case management team at 360-236-2880 with any questions.

W01.01 SUMMARY Program Eligibility and Referral Discharge Criteria

W02.01 SUMMARY Admission Types

W03.01 SUMMARY Confidentiality and Records Management

W04.01 SUMMARY Intake

W05.01 SUMMARY Substance use Evaluation and Treatment Services

W06.01 SUMMARY Terms and Conditions of Contract Compliance

W07.01 SUMMARY Case management

W08.01 SUMMARY Job Practicum Approval

W09.01 SUMMARY Medication Management

W10.01 SUMMARY Short Term Analgesic Use

W11.01 SUMMARY Unauthorized Substance Use

W12.01 SUMMARY Cease Practice Requirements

W13.01 SUMMARY Case Staffing

W14.01 SUMMARY Work Site Monitoring

W15.01 SUMMARY Professional Peer Support Groups

W16.01 SUMMARY Graduation

W17.01 SUMMARY Drug and Alcohol testing

W18.01 SUMMARY Missed Check-ins and Tests

W19.01 SUMMARY positive Drug Screen Results

W20.01 SUMMARY Dilute and Abnormal Urine Specimens

W21.01 SUMMARY Policy and Procedure Review

W22.01 SUMMARY Reporting

W23.01 SUMMARY Security

W24.01 SUMMARY Relationships with NCQAC

W25.01 SUMMARY Outreach and Education

W26.01 SUMMARY Office Hours and Standards

W27.01 SUMMARY Program Evaluation

WHPS Client Handbook_March.16